Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Rotund Runner

Don't panic.  I will not be updating this blog ad nauseum with my daily minute by minute progress.  I will only be posting when I discover something I think anyone may want to learn from my own mistakes or accomplishments as I fumble and bumble through this journey toward health nirvana.

Second day of week 1 "couch to 5k" I discover that I am still fat, and I am still not in shape.  That may sound like a silly thing but I went out there today ready to conquer and found out that it was more difficult today that the first day.  My legs are sore from the previous run and I could feel it as I ran my first 100 feet or so...and it didn't work itself out.  My feet hurt the entire time today.  Can you blame them?  225 pounds jamming down on them for 20 minutes 2 days ago and then again today?  They were rebelling big time.  Today the 20 minutes seemed like an hour.  But . . .

I did it.  And I am glad.  I guess I am writing this so whoever tries will be realistic when they attempt this.  I learned from a good friend of mine that the surest way to failure in anything is to create unrealistic expectations.  That applies to this running thing.  When I started the other day, I expected to struggle through it and be heaving and wheezing at the wasn't quite that bad, and I was more mentally fit to take it on.  Today I went thinking I could handle it with no problem and the mental part kicked my butt almost as much as the physical.

Part Two.

This is a personal rant.  Don't solicit me with your diet products or your personal trainer or gym membership garbage.  I don't want it.  I'm not interested.  I am doing this thing alone for a reason.  If there are others out there that like to go watch each other pump and sweat and make groaning noises in your under-armour leotards more power to you, but I personally do not enjoy other sweaty men in locker rooms with saggy junk walking around pretending they look good.  Community pump sessions are not for me, so please stop soliciting...nothing personal.



  1. If you think that people work out naked in the gym, I understand why you don't want to go. That's gross.

  2. It's as much mental as it is physical. I seem to have a good run followed by a bad run. But after the bad run, I'm psyched cuz I know I will have a good run. Good for you!

  3. I am so glad those towels exist.

    Also, you might not be interested in diet products but might I interest you in Python Powder.
